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In Deep Page 2

  “Watch out for Harris.” She chuckles after me.

  * * *


  “Man, we miss having you and Quinn around here,” Stevens says beside me.

  I hear him, but I’m too busy following Moralez with my eyes. She’s gorgeous. Smart and sexy. I love it.

  Cal talked about her bust the entire ride here. You would think he had some part in her victory. I don’t know what I was expecting, but the woman I’m staring at isn’t it.

  Her tight blue jeans hug her hips with the affection of a long-time lover. Those sexy heels on her feet have me tilting my head to the side as I study her. Damn, the sway of her hips is perfection. I noticed earlier that she has a great pair beneath that T-shirt.

  Her voice hit me in my gut from her first word. That smoky rasp is seductive in its own right. Soft, yet a bit hoarse.

  Her warm, deep-brown skin is a rich espresso tone. Her eyes are the color of amber whiskey, quite the contrast to her skin. Her dark hair is pulled back in a tight bun.

  I can’t help wondering what her locks look like down. Would they fall in her face as she looks at me beneath her? From the waves in the strands brushed from her face, I bet it’s wavy when it’s loose.

  Her last name is Moralez, but she looks like she could be of mixed heritage. Not that I’m naive enough to think she couldn’t be fully Latinx. My trips to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic alone have taught me better than to make that assumption. Which is why I want to get to know her better. I want to ask questions and find out all about her.

  “You know that’s not going to happen, right?”

  I turn to Jennings, another of the good guys around here. “You think not?” I say with a grin.

  “I know not. She’s been around here for what? Two or three years. Not one guy, or girl for that matter, has been able to bag her. Forget it.”

  “Just because you failed doesn’t mean I don’t have a shot.”

  Stevens groans beside me. “I don’t know. I’m with Jennings on this one. You don’t stand a chance. At first, I thought it was a cop thing. You know, like she was against dating one of us. Then I thought it was a White, Black thing, but I’ve seen her turn down everyone. White, Black, Hispanic, male, female, cop, lawyer, bartender. She’s a closed case.”

  “Are you assholes sure she’s single? I didn’t see a ring, but that means nothing,” I think out loud.

  “I thought that too,” Jennings says. “We were partners for a little bit. Before I moved to the special unit. It’s just her and her dog. She’s single, single.”

  I sit back and think on that. It’s not enough to deter me. I want her to tell me she’s not interested. From the vibe I got from her earlier, I don’t think I’m up for as big a challenge as these guys think.

  “Good luck,” Stevens says.

  “I got twenty that says he crashes and burns,” Jennings snorts, slapping a twenty on the table.

  “What do you say, Kev? You think you can win me a twenty?” Stevens says to me.

  “You should double the bet,” I say as I watch Moralez and all her sexy curves disappear into the ladies’ room.

  Chapter 2

  Dance with Me


  I return to a group full of laughter. Everyone around the table is in near tears. I take my seat and wave the waitress over. This will be my last beer of the night. I always drink enough to blend in, but not enough to lose myself and compromise my mission.

  “I remember that,” Maureen says as she wipes at tears. “It was a great fundraiser, though.”

  “What did I miss?” I say as I sit.

  “Good times,” Stevens says. “We have some great memories of the old crew that used to be around here.”

  “What changed?” I ask nonchalantly. “Things have shaken up a lot from what I hear.”

  Everyone around the table turns somber. The laughter dries up. A few start to look uncomfortable.

  “People change,” Stevens says. “Situations aren’t the same.”

  The waitress arrives and a few others ask for another round. “I’ll take care of this round,” Kevin says. “I’ll be leaving soon. It was good to see you guys.”

  Stevens’s face lights up. “It was really good to see you. Cal says you guys are building something with that investigations firm. I’m glad you guys are still looking out for the people who need you.”

  “We do what we can,” Kevin says.

  “Speaking of Cal. Didn’t you come with him?” Jennings says. “Where’d he get off to?”

  Kevin chuckles. “My sister called on our way in. I think he ducked back out. Who knows? I’ll probably be taking a cab home.”

  “I’ll give you a ride if you need,” Maureen says.

  “I’ll be fine,” he replies, his eyes landing on me. “Hey, Moralez. Before I go, how about we head out on the dance floor?”

  I can’t help the smug grin that comes to my face. I roll my eyes over him and grin some more. He’s not ready for this.

  They’ve been playing a mix of Latin music for the last twenty minutes. My dad is 100 percent Puerto Rican and my mother is African American. I have more rhythm in my pinkie than this Irish dude has in his entire body.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I scoff.

  He narrows his eyes and a grin tilts his lips up. Leaning into the table, he lets his eyes pass over me like a caress. As he places his elbows on the table, his muscles bulge beneath his T-shirt.

  “Are you profiling me?” he says with humor in his voice.

  I mock his gesture, leaning in as well. “Profiling.” I lift a brow. “Nope, I’m assessing the situation and I don’t think you, or I, should take the risk.”

  “Aye, ya think that my Irish ass can’t hold a beat. I see it in yer eyes. Come, love, let me teach ya a lesson,” he says smoothly, slipping into that sexy accent again.

  I can’t help the smile that spreads across my lips. “Okay, you got me. I don’t think you can bachata to save your life, papi. Save yourself the embarrassment. I take that shit serious. You’re not ready for me.”

  He releases a full belly laugh and his face lights up. I didn’t think he could get any more gorgeous. Damn, he’s fine. Like, forget my three and a half years of celibacy fine.

  “I think I might surprise you.” He winks as the rest of the table snickers.

  I look around. Suddenly, I get the feeling I’m missing out on something. I narrow my gaze at them all before turning back to Kevin.

  His eyes sparkle as he stands to his full height. He nods toward the dance floor. “Come on. What do you have to lose?”

  “Let’s make a bet,” I say.

  Curiosity brightens his face. Those green eyes sharpen on me for the second time tonight. He nods for me to continue.

  “I’ll dance with you, but the first time you step on my feet or miss a step, it’s over and you’re clearing my entire tab for the night,” I say.

  My tab isn’t that big at all, but why not have a night of free drinks? It will be the cherry on top. However, I think I’ve made a grave mistake as more snickers bounce around the table.

  “You’re on. And if I win, love, you and I leave after the dance. I want to get to know a little more about you.”

  I stiffen a little. Getting to know me is out of the question. I would allow him to get to know Danita Moralez, but he’ll never know me.

  Something tells me to back out now. I’m not into hookups and this is dangerous. I don’t know his game or why he left the force. He could be one of the bad guys who has learned a better way to run the operation they have going on.

  However, there’s something that tells me to get to my feet and head out to the dance floor. The voice wins out as I stand. I walk to the other end of the table where he is and look up into his eyes.

he first thing to hit me is his cologne. It’s subtle but really nice. I want to move closer to inhale him.

  I shake that silly thought off and lock eyes with him. His eyes are more gorgeous up close. Wow, this man is sexy. His thick brows and long lashes tip him over into breathtaking.

  I’m five seven, but even in my three-inch heels I have to look up at him. He holds out his hand and I place mine inside. The moment our palms touch, it’s like a zap to my entire system. My skin hums from his touch. His long fingers swallow my hand as he leads me out to the dance floor.

  A smile takes over my face as the record changes. Prince Royce and Chris Brown’s “Just as I Am” comes on, and I want to hoot with laughter. The Latin Bachata-R&B mix is going to win me this bet fast. This is going to be good.

  To show Kevin how bad he’s fucked up, I lift my arms above my head and bend one knee in front of me. I then start to rock my hips and show off with a kick, ball, change that’s sure to keep him from catching up with me.

  He bites his lip as he gives me a heated stare. I continue to dance around him in a circle, taunting him with the seductive sway of my hips in my tight jeans. This was over before it started.

  I throw my head back and laugh, and that’s when he grabs my hand and spins me into him. I’m surprised. My laugh dies in my throat as he looks down into my eyes with a smug grin.

  He starts to move our bodies to the music in perfect rhythm. He has the steps down like a pro. My lips part in disbelief, and he gives me a sexy pointed look. I snap out of it and take him to task.

  However, he doesn’t miss a beat. He reaches for my hands and positions them behind my head as he keeps eye contact. It’s as if we’re reaching out for each other and holding on to a newfound love. The passion is in the moves as he guides our bodies to dance in a circle. He then spins me back into him and places his hands on my hips.

  I dance back two steps and rock two more. He follows before retreating two steps of his own. He’s not just keeping up, he’s guiding, and it’s hot as fuck.

  I’m thrilled that he doesn’t seem to be counting his steps or mimicking the dance from lessons. He’s in the music, in the moment. Then he turns it up a notch.

  He drags my hips into his and places his forehead to mine. That humming passes through me times ten. His hand on the small of my back is warm and doing things to my body that shouldn’t be possible from only his touch.

  His breath fans my lips as he guides me around the small dance floor. Everyone else has moved out of the way. Or maybe I’m in this bubble and I think they’ve all gone.

  “Still doubting me?” he says, and his voice vibrates through my body.

  I’m the one to nearly stumble and miss a step. Only reason I don’t is because he swiftly lifts me into his arms, placing me flush against his body without my feet touching the floor. He keeps that intense eye contact as he allows my body to slide down his.

  Swaying me slowly to the beat of the music, he continues to look at me. Wrapping one arm around my waist and moving my other hand to place around his neck, he takes off around the floor again. It’s sensual and sexy the way he moves us.

  “Not bad, Blackhart,” I pant when the song changes to a slower song, and he starts to slowly sway us again.

  “Is your car here?”

  I grin. “Eager much? I never said I was going to fuck you, so get that out of your mind.”

  “I never said I wanted to fuck you. I said I want to get to know you.” He gives me a look, and I actually have the nerve to blush.

  I. Don’t. Blush.

  This guy is definitely trouble. However, when I look into his eyes, I see something there that causes me to make a decision that’s against everything I am. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been lonely and missing the real world, or if it’s the comfort I feel standing in his arms. Whatever it is has my mouth moving before I can stop it.

  “We can walk to my place from here. I don’t need a car,” I say.

  A smile lights his handsome face. “Grand, let’s go.”

  I nod, and we return to the table to get my things. Signaling for the waitress, I let her know I’m ready to close my tab. When she gets to our table and hands over the bill, I take out my wallet to pay, but Kevin covers my hand and places a few bills on the waitress’s tray.

  “You do know you won the bet?” I say with a questioning gaze.

  “Aye, sure do. Still want to treat you.”

  I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Free drinks are free drinks. With my bag in hand, I allow him to lead the way out as he hugs a few of the guys and says his goodbyes.

  “Shit, my feet hurt,” I groan as I step out of the bar.

  “But you’re wearing the hell out of those shoes, love,” Kevin says beside me. “I can carry you if you like.”

  “I’d break your fucking back,” I snort.

  “I doubt it.” He chuckles and bumps my shoulder. “I’ll call a cab if you want. It will give me more time to get to know you while we wait.”

  “We’ll be fine walking. It’s enough of a walk to get to know me.”

  We’re half a block away from the bar and headed in the direction of my place when it hits me that I’m about to take this guy home with me. Maybe I had too much to drink after all because this is so unlike me. I’m about to stop and call it a night as he brushes the back of his hand against mine.

  That charge is back, causing me to look up at him. We lock eyes, and I forget everything I was going to say. It’s as if he has me under his spell.

  He creases his brows as if he’s trying to find his thoughts or something as well. One moment, it’s a simple caress of my hand; the next, his long fingers are entwined with mine. A shiver runs through me. The knot that forms in my belly is so tight, my breathing shifts between steady inhales and short, heavy pants.

  “You feel that too?” he murmurs.

  I nod because I’m not sure what my words are going to sound like.

  He begins to rub circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. My nipples tighten in my bra. This man is dangerous in all the right ways.

  Run, Dem. Run now.

  He licks his lips as his gaze drops to my mouth. Suddenly, he breaks his own spell, clearing his throat. Thank God he turns forward. We were both about to run into one of those parking meter ticket dispenser boxes.

  He laughs, bringing a smile to my face. How is a laugh so sexy and masculine? My toes curl in my shoes. He flexes his fingers around mine as if he knows the effect he has on me.

  “Cal says you’ve been with the department for about three years. How long have you been on the force?”

  I pull up the memorized generic answer I have for this question. It burns like acid to tell him the lie, despite having told the same one to so many others over the years. “It’s been seven years.”

  He releases a whistle. “So, you fast tracked it. Wasted no time, did you?”

  “I’m not one to waste time. If I want something, I go after it.”

  I don’t mean for my words to come off as they do, but even I can hear the double entendre in them. Kevin looks down at me and the heat in his eyes says a million words. He releases my hand to press his large palm to the small of my back.

  Holy shit. My body quakes, and it has nothing to do with the night air. I swear I break out in a sweat. He’s frying my brain cells.

  He begins a light conversation, and I try my hardest to focus on his words. I’m fine until he gets to the more personal questions. That’s when I turn the conversation over to him.

  “You’re a PI now, right?” I ask. It’s all I can do to try to bring some of this tension down.

  “Aye, my brothers and I have started a company.”

  “That’s cool, but damn, that must be a big transition.”

  He gives me a bright smile. “I can be flexible. It’s not hard to
adjust and fit where I’m needed. As you said, I go after what I want and I’m always up for a challenge.”

  We’re not talking about his job. Honestly, I don’t care what we’re talking about as long as he keeps talking. This thing building between us with each step has taken over all my good sense.

  I’m so drawn to him; I don’t realize I’ve been leaning into his side until we turn onto my street. When I go to pull away, he tightens his hold on me and splays his hand against my belly.

  I’m in trouble. Back at the bar, I might have been able to cut this night short. Now, I can’t get to my door soon enough.

  When we do arrive at my front step, I turn to him. “Wait here, let me go inside and put my dog in the yard.”

  He looks at me with a knowing look. I reach into my bag and smile back at him. Yeah, big boy, you’re getting some.

  * * *


  I honestly planned to leave with her and get to know her. Sex wasn’t in the plans at all. I’m intrigued by this gorgeous woman, and I wanted to dig deeper than a conversation at the bar would allow.

  However, things changed on the charged walk to her place. I’ve never had chemistry with a woman like this, and I know I’m not the only one feeling it. When I linked my fingers with hers, I felt the shiver that rolled through her and I saw the desire in her eyes.

  She asked me to wait outside while she placed her pup in the backyard.

  I look around the neighborhood as I stand on her porch. It’s nice. Quiet for the most part.

  “Okay,” she says as she swings the door open.

  I step inside as I stare into her amber-colored eyes. She searches mine as I close the distance between us. I don’t know what comes over me, but I cup the back of her neck and crush her full sexy lips with mine.

  The moment her fingers lock in the top of my hair and she moans into my mouth, I groan and deepen the kiss. She tastes so fucking good. I move my free hand to palm her sexy ass.

  I grow painfully hard in my jeans. When she reaches for the hem of my T-shirt, I smile and tug it off for her. She sucks her lip into her mouth as the crest on my chest comes into view.